Twitter has added a new way to capture the conversation by serving real-time ads to users based on the context of their tweets. Here’s how it works: When promoting tweets, marketers now have the option to bid on relative keywords, and as soon as users within the defined target market start a conversation around those keywords, they’ll be served a promoted tweet in their timeline. Talk about being in the right place at the right time!
Promoted Tweets is great for:
Travel related brands wanting to target users who are talking about certain destinations
Restaurants wanting to offer discounts to users talking about dining in their area
Retailers offering specials to users talking about their products
Much more!
Here’s How to Get Started:
Create a new Promoted Tweets campaign
Select target by keywords
Select where you want your ads to appear (Timeline or search results)
Enter your keywords either by typing or importing
Define your targeting and select tweets to promote
Click ‘create campaign’ and start joining the conversation!
*Note: You must have switched over to the advanced platform in order for this feature to be available
If you have any questions about how to promote tweets or Twitter advertising in general, feel free to contact us!
Ah, another update to make the lives of PPC managers that much easier! After the successful launch of their bulk editing platform back in November, AdWords has announced that managers can now upload changes to keywords in bulk as well.
Now, instead of making individual changes to your keywords in AdWords, you are able to make changes directly to your downloaded keyword reports. Add, delete or edit the status of your keywords on your editable keyword report, then re-upload to automatically apply your changes. Ready to get started? Here’s how keyword management works in AdWords:
Step 1: Download Your Editable Keyword Report:
In the same place where you download or schedule your reports, you’ll now find a new “Editable” option in the form of a checkbox. Select this option to download your editable keyword report. Step 2: Editing Your Report
Tip! Keep in mind that once you upload your changes to the AdWords manager, your changes cannot be reversed, so be sure to make a backup copy before editing your report.
To make sure all of your changes take effect, use this guideline provided by Google to edit your keyword reports.
Step 3: Upload Your Edited Keyword Report
Once you’ve finished making changes to your downloaded keyword report, head to ‘Reports and Uploads’, click the upload button and your changes should take effect immediately.
Have questions about this feature, or AdWords in general? Contact Titan Growth, your local SEO Agency, and we’d be happy to help!
If you didn’t think there would be some sort of internet shenanigans today, the joke’s on you. April Fool’s Day is a renowned holiday in the internet world, notorious for silly pranks, and this year is no different. And now that the day is wrapping up, let’s take a look back at some of the best pranks. We got a good chuckle out of them, maybe you will too.
YouTube Shutting Down
After a long 8 year stint, YouTube has announced that they will be closing the site to all video submissions so they can review the past 8 years of footage to fulfill their ultimate goal of finding the best online video. YouTube has even gone far enough to feature a splash page on the site, as well as live streaming of the nominee announcements.
Google Nose
‘No time to stop and smell the roses? Now the roses are just a click away’
A clever take on a fictitious new product, Google Nose, allows you to search any smells with the click of a button. All you have to do is click, and put your nose as close as you can to your screen to start smelling. Even if this olfactory technology is bologna, showing the feature to your co-workers while you watch them suspiciously sniff at their screen is priceless.
G-Mail Blue
If blue is your color, you’re in luck! Gmail’s ‘Blue’ interface solves Google’s plaguing issue: “How do we completely redesign and recreate something while keeping it exactly the same?” And what they’ve come up with is something truly phenomenal, “Gmail… only bluer” And if blue isn’t your color, at least you’ll get a kick out of the video.
Bing Basic
Bing didn’t allow Google to steal all the spotlight this year, in fact, they take a cheap shot at Google in this year’s prank. By typing in ‘Google’ you are directed to ‘Bing Basic’ a more ‘bland’ take at the search experience. Once you are on Bing Basic, you’ll see the familiar Bing thumbnails, all with quips about Google. One link, in particular, says “With so many delicious flavors available, most people still choose vanilla” The link takes you to the Bing it on, Bing vs. Google campaign…
Bing’s SEO Tag
Bing’s SEO Tag is the answer webmasters have been waiting for! In a bitingly witty blog post, Bing announces an SEO tag that allows webmasters to take control of their rankings, and essentially tell Bing where they want to be ranked. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Yet another April Fool’s has come and gone but hasn’t left internet users disappointed. Luckily for these big internet companies, April Fool’s Day only comes once a year, giving them enough time to plan their next big hoax… until then, we’ll be standing by. Happy April Fool’s Day!