Facebook revealed a revamped Insights platform, offering a clean look and new data for Page Managers.
Facebook Insights is a brands best friend, showing you what’s successful and what isn’t when looking at posts, content, and engagement. Now, with Facebook’s revamped Insights, brands can learn even more about their marketing efforts on the world’s largest social network.
Upon first glance, you’ll immediately recognize the difference between the new version and the previous one. The layout is much cleaner and there are more visual features. There is also some new data available to brands that will definitely be beneficial to those tracking their Facebook marketing strategy. While there have been quite a few changes on this newer version, the comprehensive layout makes for an easy transition between the two versions. After a few minutes of navigating the new version, you’ll have it pretty well figured out. Nevertheless, we will highlight a few of the most significant changes along with our favorite key features.
What’s Different
New Tabs – The tabs that used to be ‘Likes’, ‘Reach’ and ‘Talking About This’ are now ‘Page’, ‘Posts’ and ‘People’. With the new tabs, the data is segregated in a streamlined and easy to understand format. In addition, every tab other than Overview has an additional three tabs which offer further data breakdown.

Date Slider – On the ‘Page’ tab, there is a new way to specify the date fields for the data you would like to see. This date slider can be found on all three tabs within the ‘Page’ section and offers a great and easy way to visualize your Page’s performance over specific periods of time. Once you specify your date, all graphs will change and show data for that time period. If you have very specific dates you’d like to see data for, you can always use the calendar selector to choose your dates.

Graph Toggling – Overall, you’ll notice more graphs with this version. Many of the graphs allow for toggling between variables, so you can isolate certain metrics and really drill down on your Page’s performance.

Deeper Post Analytics – The new section ‘Posts’ not only offers the breakdown on posts that we’ve seen on the previous version but includes more data to help you understand the effectiveness of your posts overall. On the breakdown of ‘All Posts’, you’ll see all of your posts with Reach and Engagement statistics like before, but now with thumbnails to help you better identify one from the other. You can also choose which variables you would like to see on Reach and Engagement. For example, you can toggle between Organic vs. Paid reach or Fans vs. Non-Fans. There are also two tabs in the Posts section called ‘When Your Fans Are Online’ and ‘Best Post Types’ which give more insight as to who is being reached by your content and optimal times/ types of posts to release.

Final Thoughts
Once you get a chance to experiment with the new system, it doesn’t take long to catch on. The new platform is easy to navigate and adapt to, plus it offers some great new data for Page managers to get excited about! If you have any questions regarding the new Insights platform, or how to use it to gauge the effectiveness of your Facebook strategy, feel free to contact us!
Submitted by Erica Machin, Titan Growth