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Facebook Algorithm Update Promises More Relevant Ads In Newsfeed


In an effort to deliver more relevant ads to users, Facebook has updated its algorithm yet again. What this means for marketers:

The latest changes have come as a result of feedback from brands and users regarding ads in the News Feed. Facebook aims to make ads more relevant to users by placing a higher emphasis on user feedback; for example, hiding or reporting ads.

Hong Ge, Facebook’s Engineering Manager for News Feed ads gave this example in his blog post:

” If someone always hides ads for electronics, we will reduce the number of those types of ads that we show to them.”

What does this mean for marketers?

Short term, this means that you may see some fluctuation in the distribution of your Facebook ads over the next few weeks while Facebook tests the changes.

It’s difficult to say now whether this change will have an impact on the reach or price of ads in the future. However, there are some steps marketers can take to ensure their ads are better received by their audience to avoid negative feedback.

1. Narrow your targeting

One of the best ways to make sure your ads aren’t being shown to uninterested users is to target effectively. Really dial into your target market and choose targeting that reflects their demographics, geography, and interests. Facebook has pretty amazing targeting capabilities, so take advantage of them! This will help your ads show up in the News Feeds of those who are most interested in your offerings and will also decrease the chance of paying for irrelevant clicks.

2. Create captivating ads

News Feed ads have a lot more real estate space, meaning that images and text are all the more crucial. On top of that, users still haven’t quite warmed up to the fact that advertisements have infiltrated their News Feeds, so soften the blow by showing them good ads. Take a look at one of our previous articles for more tips on creating effective Facebook ads.

Have any questions about Facebook advertising or this update in particular? Contact us below if you’d like an obligation-free consultation.

Submitted by Erica Machin, Titan Growth