Appropriately named the ‘Mud Optimizers’, the Titan Growth team opted to get dirty for a cause in the 2nd annual Del Mar mud run. The 5K run wound through the Del Mar Fairgrounds, featuring obstacles like mud pits, dirt walls and rope swings to ensure maximum muddiness. The ‘Mud Optimizers’ crossed the finish line in 45 minutes with a sense of accomplishment and a lot of mud to go with it.
Finishing the race wasn’t Titan Growth’s only accomplishment, they were also recognized as the top contributors to the Challenged Athletes Foundation. All runners had the chance to donate to the Challenged Athletes Foundation, which collectively received over $6000 and was able to present a challenged athlete with a new customized bicycle. “Besides being a fun team experience, we were also able to make a difference” said CEO Danny Shepherd. The Mud Optimizers plan to return in 2012, for the 3rd annual Del Mar mud run.